Sunday 12 August 2012


A mining town - actually two towns - with South Hedland about 18 kms away.  Port Hedland is the deep water port for shipping out mine products extracted by BHP, Rio Tinto and Fortescue Metals.  This morning I counted 13 large cargo ships standing off shore, presumably waiting to receive their cargo.

Rio Tinto has a large salt producing works here:

While people working in the mining industry make good money, they seem to work very long hours and accommodation is difficult to get and very expensive.  The asking price for ordinary looking houses is in excess of $1.5 million.  The young woman who cut my hair in South Hedland was renting a small unit for $900 per week and she and her partner had to share this unit with another couple!  The old Detention Centre is currently being used to house workers.

View from behind our van, looking towards South Hedland
There's not much to spend money on in this town.  Neither Port nor South Hedland boasts a book shop.  At least Broome had two good book shops.

Old quarters for medical staff
 Tomorrow we're heading south to Indee Station, then on to Karijini National Park.

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